you`ve gotta be extra careful, with the things nearest to you, you know the closer you get to something, the tougher is is to see it, explain to me this happiness, that you just got to experience, or maybe you are so blessed, that you cant even remember? that you stand here now ,that you live and breath, they are all little miracles, just by themselves..

محمد بياگوي-3
اين شعر افتتاحيه براي قسمت هشتادم سريال ناروتو هستش. خيلي متفكرانه. ميگه، هرچقدر كه به يه چيزي نزديكتر باشي، سخت تر ميتوني ببينيش... تقريبا مفهوم سري دوم اين سريال كه هنوز تموم نشده، همينه. بعضي وقتها بايد از يه چيزهايي فاصله بگيري تا بهتر ببينيشون